by Monica Mirjana S. Cruz
The Los Baños Municipal Health Office (MHO), through the barangay health units, is now accepting registrants for the free tubal ligation on February 7.

Parents bring their babies for the various MHO services such as check-ups, vaccination, and new born screening at the Municipal Health Center of Los Baños.
The free tubal ligation is part of the Family Planning and Woman’s Health Program which started in the 1990’s. The activity is being conducted twice a year and is offered to mothers aged 25-40 years old opting for a permanent contraception method.
Municipal Health Officer Dr. Alvin I. Isidoro explained that there are cases when younger mothers with many children undergo this procedure. The free tubal ligation also requires the consent of the husband. Mothers may register at their barangay health centers or with their barangay health workers to avail of the February 7 free tubal ligation. Applicants will need to fill out a form and will undergo assessment prior to the procedure.
After the procedure, the mothers usually need one-week rest to recover. Dr. Isidoro added that the LB MHO also accepts mothers from nearby communities of Los Baños who want to avail of the free tubal ligation. The next free tubal ligation is scheduled in November 2014.
Aside from the free tubal ligation, MHO is also conducting an ongoing newborn screening under the New Born and Infant Care Program from January to June this year every afternoon between 1-4 pm.
The free NBS can be availed by infants of mothers who have visited the health center for check ups. The infants may also be referred by the barangay health workers to avail of the free NBS.
NBS helps determine if a child has congenital metabolic disorders with just a few drops of blood. The metabolic disorders include Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH), Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Galactosemia (GAL), Phenylketonuria (PKU), and Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency. These metabolic disorders may lead to severe anemia, severe mental retardation, cataract or even death if not prevented.
With NBS, these disorders will be detected even before the symptoms show up to help in its prevention. NBS is exclusive only for the infants of mothers who visited the health center for check-ups before they gave birth. The infant is to undergo the NBS 24 hours to 10 days after birth. Results are released after 1-2 weeks.