by Betina Paula Cardenas and Rianno Emmanuel Domingo
The Red Cross Youth of UPLB (RCY-UPLB) held Sanduguan 2019: A Bloodletting Activity on May 8, 2019 from 8 AM to 6 PM at the Student Union Sunken Lobby of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). The organization’s goal is to unite UPLB and adjacent communities in addressing the supply problem among the country’s blood banks, whilst instilling values of camaraderie and responsibility in one another.

Los Baños constituents gather at the Student Union Sunken Lobby to have their blood pressure and blood type tested. (Photo and caption by Betina Paula Cardenas and Rianno Emmanuel Domingo.)
In an interview with Cary Maynard Olivar, the current Blood Program Committee head for Academic Year 2018-2019 of RCY-UPLB, donating does not mean an exchange of blood. “Donating is a voluntary service. You are giving your blood to help the people”, he added.
“A blood bag can help save three lives… not all heroes wear capes”, Derrick Ordoñez, a member of the Project Committee of RCY-UPLB, said in an interview. An estimate of 250 to 300 blood bags were donated during the event.
The RCY-UPLB’s blood drives are held in February, October, and May annually. Every blood drive has its own theme. ‘The Bloodiest Rumble’ awards the organization with the greatest number of donors. ‘Bloodline,’ which is held every October during the first semester of the academic year, has a gimmick wherein the youngest and the eldest participant will be given an award for their donations. Sanduguan’s gimmick is inspired by the ancient Filipino tradition of the blood pact. A prize will be given if you come to donate blood as a pair, as ‘partners in saving lives.’
The event was held in cooperation with Philippine Red Cross-Laguna Chapter and in partnership with Gamma Sigma Sorority and Gamma Sigma Fraternity. It was free and open to the public. For details of RCY-UPLB’s next blood drive, a representative may be contacted through their official Facebook Page.